libri per l'infanzia
Mrs. B's gift.
Lorenzo is a boy who loves to spend the Christmas holidays with his friends getting up to mischief. In order to have fun he also neglects his grandmother, who just wants a little of his company. But this time, on the morning of January 6th, a magical event happens: the mysterious Mrs. B. - an elderly lady who lives in the same building as her grandmother - something mysterious falls from her coat pocket...
Under the same sun
a fantastic journey to remote black Africa, to discover true values.
Martino is a lucky child: he lives in a large villa, has many toys, and even has a driver who takes him to school. Life has offered him much more than what his companions have, yet he is always dissatisfied.
He seems to enjoy himself only by playing cruel pranks, he surrounds himself with false friends so as not to be alone, he immediately gets bored of what is around him.
Then one day something unexpected will happen: an incredible journey will take him far away, to remote black Africa. And in that harsh and wonderful land, Martino will meet someone special, who will teach him the true value of friendship.
Because we all live... under the same sun.
This book was made
with Easyreading font.
Diego Cortes and the day out of time
story about friendship and love for our Earth
A modern story that addresses the most burning current problems and the themes of modernity with its limits and degradation, offering human-scale solutions, new values for a more dignified and sustainable world, through the adventures of a boy named Diego Cortes, student of this time, unaware descendant of the extraordinary Mayan people and their culture.
His name is Diego Cortes. He is twelve years old, since the age of five, since his parents mysteriously disappeared on board a small plane, he has lived with his grandmother; an eccentric old lady descended from the ancient Mayan people.
A thousand questions crowd Diego's mind:
"Why is grandma acting so strangely?"
"Why can no one have access to their house and their mysterious garden?".
In that incredible home he will discover that he loves nature more than ever and that he possesses inexplicable talents that will take him to a distant world. Over there, where time has stopped, he will experience a breathtaking adventure that will give a new meaning to his life.
Illustrated book
Nicola, known as Cola, was a boy who was crazy about the sea. He spent his days swimming in the foamy waves or exploring the seabed, until one day, instead of legs he found himself with fins. He was very happy with what happened, in the guise of half man and half fish, he would have fulfilled his dream: that of swimming far and wide in the beloved sea, immersing himself in the deepest abysses. The fishermen began to call him Colapesce and the reputation of a skilled swimmer reached the ears of the king of Messina who put him to the test by challenging him in a great and dangerous undertaking...
albo illustrato
"Ciao bambini, mi chiamo Gaia, ho dieci anni e sono una dottoressa.
- Così piccola sei già una dottoressa?- vi chiederete.
- Vi rispondo dicendovi che i piccoli possono fare cose che i grandi neppure immaginano."
Questo libro, articolato, leggero e profondo, vuol essere un breve sussidio per i giovani custodi del Pianeta: i bambini, ovvero, i protagonisti miti e determinati di un domani migliore. La dottoressa Gaia, il personaggio creato dalla penna dell'autrice, parla a grandi e piccoli, fa innamorare della Terra e convoca tutti a prendersi cura della Vita in tutte le sue forme.
"Esistere e coesistere, Vivere è convivere. Nell'universo tutto si tiene: il degrado ambientale e i tumori, lo spreco dell'acqua e la desertificazione, riscaldamento globale e migrazioni, povertà e malattie, deforestazione e pandemia..." "...Tocca a noi tutti fare la nostra parte, prenderci cura della casa comune, senza aspettare, senza delegare: nessuno è troppo piccolo per esimersi dal dovere di essere un colibrì-profeta".
(dalla prefazione di Padre Ermes Ronchi).
Disegni Francesco Squizzato
Filastrocca in cui si coglie la valenza formativa ed educativa del comportamento degli animali adattato alla psicologia infantile.
Illustrazioni di Rosaria Foria.